In One of my project, we had Many to Many association between models. This allowed me to look more deeply into the has_and_belongs_to_many(HABTM) association.
When we say:
Rails will assume there is a table “movies_gallery_photos” that include foreign keys to the two entities. So this table should be created by the following migration
will prevent the creation of the default primary key for that table.
As API documentation say: other attributes in that relation will be loaded with the objects and will be read only, including the :id. So failing to disable the id generation for that table will cause the loaded objects to have and “id” attribute holding the value of the id of the movies_gallery_photos entries instead of the ids of the target entity (movies or gallery_photos here).
Having (:id) false helps to over Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry ‘#’ for key #” entry error we faces while adding entries. movie.gallery_photos << photo
. But it leads to creation and availability of duplicate values in the movies_gallery_photos table. i.e.
will not check for uniqueness of the photos objects.