Last week I was working on my scrapper for getting Imdb Celebrity data for some specific purpose. Then, I searched for some available plugin or gem for the same. More surprisingly I was not able to find something what I’m looking for. Then, one idea stuck in my mind, why not create one of my own. Then I started working on this small rubygem named “imdb_celebrity”. You can see the public repository of the gem on github imdb celebrity. Also gem is hosted on Gemcutter as well.
Imdb_celebrity is a ruby-gem which is used for scrapping celebrity pages from . You can install imdb_celebrity as
With current initial release we can search a celebrity with name or we can fetch content for a celebrity with given IMDB id or/and name, by specifying which parser we want to use. Right now we support Hpricot and Nokogiri as parser classes.
- Hpricot gem should be installed.
- Nokogiri gem should be installed.